These ten symptoms should attract attention after meals

By | June 22, 2019

After a good meal, some people will be ashamed, but some people will have local pain, pain, swelling, or symptoms such as pantothenic acid, heartburn, and belching. Don’t underestimate the feelings that appear when you eat. Through these clues, you may be able to help you identify some hidden diseases earlier!

1. After a meal, fullness or fullness, suffocation but not pantothenic acid, bad appetite, gradually losing weight, pale pale or gray, middle and old people should consider chronic gastritis, especially chronic Atrophic gastritis, sagging stomach.

2, there are hindered sternum, pause, pain, and light and heavy when eating. This often suggests that the patient may have esophagitis, esophageal diverticulum or early esophageal cancer.

3, after the meal, pantothenic acid, heartburn, hernia, sternal pain, to consider gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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