Life reminder: prevent colds from starting from the details of life

By | April 9, 2019

The recent cold has started again "favored”. Recently, the number of cold patients has increased significantly, especially among the elderly and children, and many of them are family members to watch the cold. Why are some people susceptible to infection? The doctor said that this is due to some people not paying attention to “life details”.

Details are: the flu virus can survive on the door handle 2 days

Do you know the flu virus in the door handles and the remote control can survive a few days? Recently, researchers have found that they usually survive for two days or even longer.

The study also found that some areas where patients often come into contact, such as refrigerator doors and door handles, have a 40% chance of having a cold virus.

A study done by ENT specialists confirmed that after a guest with a cold left the hotel, there were still a lot of cold viruses in the TV remote control, power switch and even pen in the hotel room. The next guest staying in this room may have a cold.

That is to say, if you have a cold patient at home, please try not to touch the door handle, remote control and other items frequently used by many people. Items such as light switches, faucets in bathrooms, telephones, and the like.

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