Humidifier can induce humidification pneumonia?

By | May 6, 2019

In winter, especially in the cold weather, the air has become very dry, and with the activation of heating equipment, many people will feel dry throat and dry skin itching every day. Some people even have nosebleeds, so the humidifier in the market has become a hot product. Some hospitals are also widely used in air humidifier ward, because an appropriate increase in air humidity can be avoided induce different types of respiratory

However, the humidifier is & ldquo;. & Rdquo ;, double-edged sword to good use anti If you use it inappropriately, you can induce “hypertrophic pneumonia”.

Use with caution in patients with arthritis and diabetes

If the air humidifier is not used correctly, it will also cause certain damage to the human body. Users should pay attention to the following points when using:

1. Use air humidifier with caution in patients with arthritis and diabetes. Damp air can aggravate the condition of arthritis and diabetes, so it is best not to use this type of patient. If such patients do need to use a humidifier to reduce the occurrence of some respiratory complications, at least discuss with the specialist to determine the appropriate humidity to stabilize the primary disease.

2. Clean the humidifier regularly as directed. If the humidifier itself is unsanitary, the germs will float in the air with the water vapor, which will also cause harm to the health of the human body.

3. It is not possible to add tap water directly to the humidifier. Because the tap water contains a variety of minerals, it will cause damage to the evaporator of the humidifier, and the water and alkali contained will also affect its service life. Chlorine atoms and microorganisms in tap water may be contaminated by water mist blowing into the air. If the tap water hardness is high, the water mist sprayed from the humidifier contains white calcium powder, which will pollute the indoor air.

4. Adjust the humidity of the humidifier at any time according to the weather conditions and indoor and outdoor temperatures. Because many patients adjust the humidity only when they first start purchasing the air humidifier, they rarely adjust it after use. This will greatly reduce the effect of the humidifier. Once the weather is raining, the humidity inside and outside the room rises, the humidity of the humidifier is still not lowered, and the humidity is increased invisibly, which makes people feel uncomfortable and is not conducive to the human body for a long time. Health; if the weather becomes too dry and the humidity of the humidifier is still not high, the effect of the humidifier is weakened.

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