As the weather gets warmer, many people start planning to exercise to lose weight.
Everyone knows the importance of fitness, but many people still have a lot of misunderstandings about fitness. Here are a few of the most common fitness methods that can help you get out of the wrong zone?
Can sit-ups eliminate my belly?
Sit-ups or “Abdominal Exercises” help strengthen the abdominal muscles and make them stronger. But “Abdominal exercises” have no effect on reducing the fat in the abdomen. The reason why belly fat accumulates in that area is because there are too many calories ingested. Therefore, the only way to eliminate these fats is to burn calories through a balanced diet and high-intensity exercise such as running, cycling, aerobics or swimming.
However, there is a trick to make the abdomen look flatter. Below the abdominal muscles is the transverse abdominis muscle. The transverse abdominis muscle is also associated with the abdominal muscles, which help keep the waist strong and healthy and compress the abdomen. Regular exercise of this muscle can help you improve your posture and make your abdomen look flatter. You can tighten the abdomen by inhaling and suck the navel toward the spine. After the abdomen has contracted, do not hold your breath and keep breathing normally. When your lower abdomen begins to have a slight burning sensation, it means that your exercise is moderate. You can use this method to exercise anywhere to eliminate belly fat and improve posture.
Can local muscle exercise lose weight?
Some people may ask, if I exercise my triceps, can I reduce my fat? The triceps behind the upper arm are where a certain age of women begins to accumulate a quantity of fat that they can’t afford. However, misunderstandings about how to eliminate this fat accumulation are very common. Exercises for specific muscle groups help to strengthen and strengthen these muscles, but the idea that specific parts of the exercise can promote the disappearance of fat is purely nonsense. This theory of “local weight loss” has been tested several times on tennis players, who have compared their arms that swing their racquets to the other arm. Although the muscles of the two arms do differ, their total amount of fat is the same, which proves that local muscle exercise does not reduce the amount of fat.
Is BMI a good way to measure overweight?
Body mass index is the basis used by many doctors to check whether a patient is overweight. The body mass index is calculated by dividing the body weight by the square of the height. It is believed that a body mass index below 18.5 is underweight; a healthy body is between 19.0 and 24.9; 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight; more than 30 is obese. Therefore, for a man, for example, the weight of 85 kg divided by 1.83 m & time; 1.83 m, his body mass index is 25.3.
In fact, the true level of obesity should not be determined by the scale, but by how much excess fat the body contains. A regular exerciser is fortunate to have a lower level of fat (not more than 12%) and a fairly developed muscle, but the body mass index will put him into an unhealthy group. So it is not entirely correct. Because women have less muscle, their body mass index is closer to health than men, but you should read the index results with reservations and combine it with body fat measurements.
Running 1 mile and walking 1 mile, which method burns more calories?
To answer the question of running a mile and a mile, which burns more calories, is more complicated than you think. Sports physiologist Jack · Wilhel and David · Kistir conducted research showing that men weighing 70 kilograms walked at a speed of 3.5 miles per hour for 1 minute, burning 5 calories; The speed of the mile runs for 1 minute and burns 18.2 kcal. In a 1 mile walk, each mile is equivalent to 85 calories; during a mile run, each mile is equivalent to 109 calories. Therefore, from the above figures, we can see whether the extra effort of running is worth the money?
Is there a good way to lose weight in the buttocks and thighs?
If someone tells you that certain foods and sports help eliminate fat accumulation, they are not lying or spreading the wrong news. Some people accumulate fat in their bodies because of poor diet and lack of physical activity, and estrogen changes are one of the reasons why fat accumulates in many parts of the body. Estrogen is associated with many characteristics of women, such as wide sputum and breast development. Women are especially worried about the accumulation of fat in the buttocks and thighs. A substance called lipoprotein lipase is the source of fat accumulation in the buttocks and thighs, and it is why so many women struggle to lose weight because of obesity in the buttocks and thighs.
Lipoprotein lipase interferes with fat cells and prevents the body from transferring fat and turning it into energy. Therefore, no matter how high the activity of lipoprotein lipase, you will find too much fat accumulation. Unfortunately for women, the higher lipoprotein lipase activity and lower lipolysis in these areas make the fat conversion process very difficult, which is one of the realities that some women have to face for life.
However, there are some lucky people whose lipoprotein lipase activity in their thighs is very weak (especially male). Although men may have fewer lipoprotein lipases, they are more susceptible to a stress hormone called cortisol, which causes fat to build up in the abdomen.